Time Nick Message 11:31 pdurbin Language War Propaganda: Perl vs. Python vs. Ruby - https://plus.google.com/107770072576338242009/posts/PWMTfdiWe35 :) 14:12 pdurbin 55.000+ Twitter usernames and passwords leaked - http://www.airdemon.net/hacker107.html 14:15 SEJeff_work :/ 14:15 SEJeff_work anyone want me to check the lists? Mine isn't in that 14:15 SEJeff_work thank goodness 14:18 pdurbin http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Kc9ng18h http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=vCMndK2L http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=JdQkuYwG http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=fw43srjY http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=jv4LBjPX 14:29 SEJeff_work No one I am following or any of my followers are compromised. Just checked. 14:29 SEJeff_work good 14:30 pdurbin SEJeff_work: so do you think it's legit. a lot of the accounts seem spammy. similar usernames and passwords 14:30 SEJeff_work pdurbin, Most twitter accounts are spammy :) 14:30 SEJeff_work A lot of them look like the passwords were created using pwgen. Most likely they were 14:30 pdurbin noise for random number generators, like you said before :) 14:32 SEJeff_work Who's not shocked? <-------- This guy! 14:33 pdurbin :) 15:03 pdurbin fu! :) from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/fileutils.rb:243:in `fu_mkdir' 15:12 pdurbin hacking on ruby by sjoeboo 15:35 pdurbin hmm, no answers here. . . Ben Humphreys • Is there something like Perl Critic for Ruby? Ruby... - http://blog.benhumphreys.co.uk/post/321296406/is-there-something-like-perl-critic-for-ruby-ruby 15:36 pdurbin looks like there are various tools to check out: Can anyone recommend a Ruby source code analyzer (something like pylint) - Stack Overflow - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/286564/can-anyone-recommend-a-ruby-source-code-analyzer-something-like-pylint 15:42 agoddard ^ I haven't used before.. there's on specific to chef, but not for general ruby stuff, that answer looks good though 15:42 pdurbin agoddard: which answer? have you heard of any of these ruby tools? 15:43 agoddard pdurbin: I've heard of a bunch of them (flay,flog, reek) but never used. Both of the top two answers have more info than I know 15:45 pdurbin i'll try flay, flog, or reek first then. thanks 15:46 pdurbin i've been happy with pep8 and pylint http://wiki.greptilian.com/python 15:46 pdurbin and perlcritic i simply love 15:49 pdurbin handy links: http://ruby.sadi.st/Flay.html http://ruby.sadi.st/Flog.html http://silkandspinach.net/2008/09/23/reek-a-code-smells-detector-for-ruby/ 20:39 SEJeff_work For anyone writing / debugging ruby code, this might be of use: https://github.com/tmm1/rbtrace 21:12 ironcamel https://plus.google.com/u/0/102499719144563443986/posts/fnqZGySsFL2 - Simple. Git-based. Notes. 21:15 shuff yeah, i saw that - it looks *awesome* 21:16 ironcamel shuff: tried it yet? 21:16 shuff not yet - actually, Dancebin is higher on my list of things to take a look at 21:16 ironcamel shuff: let me know if you have any questions or ideas for features, etc 21:16 shuff since i already have some notetaking solutions that work pretty well for me 21:16 ironcamel http://danceb.in has really turned into something nice 21:16 shuff but i do not have a good pastebin solution 21:17 ironcamel shuff: you have App::Nopaste ? 21:17 ironcamel it's a command line tool, nopaste 21:17 ironcamel lets you nopaste file.txt 21:17 ironcamel or echo hello | nopaste 21:17 shuff right now i'm working on packaging dependencies for Dancer::Plugin::DBIC 21:17 shuff nice 21:17 shuff i'll take a look 21:18 ironcamel shuff: if you install App::Nopaste::Service::Dancebin as well, and put export NOPASTE_SERVICES=Dancebin in your .bashrc, it will default to using http://danceb.in 21:19 ironcamel by default i think it uses pastie.com or something like that 21:19 shuff a synergy :) honestly, though, i'd want to run my own pastebin rather than using a public one 21:19 ironcamel it comes with like 8 or so built in services 21:19 ironcamel ah, yes 21:19 ironcamel danceb.in would be great for that 21:19 ironcamel and you can set an env variable 21:19 ironcamel so that App::Nopaste::Service::Dancebin will use your private pastebin 21:19 shuff i figured 21:20 ironcamel and dancebin is super easy to deploy. let me know if you need help. 21:20 shuff i will, thx 21:20 ironcamel as long as you are not a stickler like pdurbin and need to yum install everything :) 21:20 shuff i am a worse stickler than pdurbin 21:20 ironcamel oh no 21:21 shuff he uses local::lib 21:21 shuff plus i am running el5 with geriatric perl at home 21:21 shuff but i have a functional Dancer stack 21:22 shuff once i get the DBIC squared away it should be fine 21:22 ironcamel you will need el6 at least, pretty sure it requires perl 5.10 21:22 shuff i'll let you know how it goes 21:23 shuff if i have to backport 5.8 support, i'll send you a pull request 21:24 ironcamel sure, should be no problem to make it 5.8 compatible 21:32 shuff anyway, i'm out - see you all tomorrow 23:49 pdurbin ironcamel and shuff: you guys are cracking me up :) 23:49 pdurbin can't wait for that rpm :) 23:50 pdurbin ooooooh dancebin 'cause it's dancer + pastebin 23:51 pdurbin so, assuming i stand up a dancebin service, how do i keep people from spamming it? or storing stolen twitter passwords in it? 23:52 pdurbin and shuff, you should absolutely install nopaste right now, right now 23:52 pdurbin http://search.cpan.org/dist/App-Nopaste/