Time Nick Message 02:11 pdurbin magoo: nice link. better than https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromLinux/RedHatEnterpriseLinuxAndFedora 02:15 pdurbin i like this "Specific technology readiness for use in distributed systems" at http://www.bluebox.net/news/2012/04/distributed-systems-design-part-44/ . mysql, postgres, memcache, apache, nginx, passenger, unicorn, derby, ha-nfs, cdns, reeds, hadoop, risk, mongo, rails 12:59 magoo pdurbin: great links! really like the last one 13:01 pdurbin reeds? i meant redis :) 13:02 SEJeff pdurbin, Agreed! /me adds all 4 to his reading list for this evening: http://www.bluebox.net/news/category/distributed-systems 13:02 pdurbin i really need to get that mojo client working, so i can just grab all the h2 tags off a page or whatever 13:03 SEJeff Can't you do that with lwp? 13:03 SEJeff since you're a perl fan :) 13:04 pdurbin oh, probably. but i watched a mojolicious screencast and it looked like the work was already done for me 13:04 * pdurbin googles 13:13 pdurbin here. `mojo get http://mojolicio.us 'h1, h2, h3' text` from http://search.cpan.org/~sri/Mojolicious-2.93/lib/Mojolicious/Guides/Cookbook.pod#Command_line 13:14 SEJeff Oh *that* is cool 13:14 pdurbin i'm pretty sure this is the corresponding screencast: Mojolicious Mojocast #5: Mojo::UserAgent - http://mojocasts.com/e5 13:14 SEJeff I was completely ignorant of people really doing this sort of thing with perl. It makes me happy someone is. 13:17 pdurbin see also "show me mice!" at. . . And Perl Happens :3 - http://cat.eatsmou.se 13:32 * pdurbin runs perl -MCPAN -Mlocal::lib -e 'CPAN::install(Mojolicious)' 13:34 pdurbin mojo get http://www.bluebox.net/news/2012/04/distributed-systems-design-part-44/ 'h2' text | tr "\n" " " 13:34 pdurbin MySQL PostgreSQL Memcache Apache / Nginx / Passenger / Unicorn DRBD / HA-NFS CDNs and other caching technologies Redis Hadoop, Riak, and other “eventually consistent” cloud technologies Mongo Rails 13:34 pdurbin that's better. and way less prone to human error 13:35 pdurbin redis is even spelled right :) 13:42 SEJeff Anyone ever used meteor.js + any of the perl stuff with it? 13:43 SEJeff A coworker was tinkering with it showing me how he would edit html on the server and it updates on the clients in realtime 13:52 pdurbin "we built our own. A perl-based HTTP server written from the ground up to support high concurrency and longevity of connections" -- http://meteorserver.org . interesting 14:00 SEJeff pdurbin, Also see: http://meteor.com/ Take a look at the page source. They certainly do seem to dogfood 14:03 pdurbin SEJeff: http://meteor.com doesn't work in elinks. :) 14:04 SEJeff Ha unsurprising 14:51 pdurbin shuff: "Farewell Icinga API 14:52 pdurbin https://www.icinga.org/2011/08/05/farewell-icinga-api/ via http://tweetree.com/posts/199857428144197632 14:52 SEJeff wha!? 14:53 pdurbin SEJeff: i haven't really had time to absorb it 14:53 SEJeff Oh thats mostly old news 14:53 SEJeff If you're using the new icinga-web (which is very purty) 15:20 ironcamel pdurbin: see new comment on https://plus.google.com/u/0/107770072576338242009/posts/fu9wVpuDdzy 15:27 ironcamel pdurbin: with cpanm you can just do cpanm -l ~/perl5 Mojolicious 15:27 ironcamel you don't even need the -l if you already configured the shell environment variables using local::lib 15:27 ironcamel much easier than typing perl -MCPAN -Mlocal::lib -e 'CPAN::install(Mojolicious)' 15:30 ironcamel that mojo stuff is really nice. i should start using that. instead of curl blah | vim - ... and then searching 15:34 pdurbin mojo get is super nice. and the author is glad we like it: http://twitter.com/kraih/status/199860499171647488 16:04 ironcamel pdurbin: danceb.in now with anchor links as you requested :) http://danceb.in/TrDpBSeZ4RGhLyZl9DNYg 16:04 ironcamel https://github.com/throughnothing/Dancebin/pull/1 16:05 pdurbin ironcamel: wow! i love it!! 16:05 pdurbin i might need help setting up a paste.greptilian.com 16:05 ironcamel sure 16:05 ironcamel it is super simple to deploy 16:06 pdurbin is there an rpm? :) 16:06 ironcamel nope 16:07 pdurbin maybe shuff will make one for me :) 16:07 ironcamel don't be such a weenie 16:07 pdurbin heh 16:07 ironcamel git clone ... 16:07 ironcamel cd Dancebin 16:07 ironcamel cpanm --installdeps . 16:07 ironcamel done 16:07 pdurbin as root? 16:08 ironcamel as root, or via local::lib 16:08 pdurbin i'd rather have an rpm 16:08 ironcamel cpanm -l ~/perl5 --installdeps . # as a regular user 16:08 ironcamel then perl -Mlocal::lib ./bin/app.pl 16:09 ironcamel to run it, if you are using a local::lib 16:09 pdurbin ironcamel: don't you want to be able to tell people, "just run `yum install perl-Dancebin`"? 16:09 pdurbin (or apt-get) 16:09 ironcamel but how will it get into the yum repos? 16:09 ironcamel i have no control over that 16:09 pdurbin sure you do. anyone does 16:10 ironcamel really? 16:10 pdurbin this is how i can (ultimately) run `yum install ikiwiki` (another perl project): https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/acls/name/ikiwiki 16:11 pdurbin in short, your app just need to be added to fedora 16:11 ironcamel who is the gatekeeper for that? 16:12 pdurbin New package process for existing contributors - FedoraProject - http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/New_package_process_for_existing_contributors 16:12 pdurbin Packaging:ReviewGuidelines - FedoraProject - http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:ReviewGuidelines 16:12 ironcamel 15 steps!? 16:13 ironcamel ridonkulous 16:13 pdurbin if you don't want to bother with the fedora project, it could be added to http://repoforge.org 16:14 ironcamel it is easier to just use the cpanm package manager :) 16:14 pdurbin sure 16:15 pdurbin back to the fedora project for a second. . . here's a package "review request" example: Bug 773470 – Review Request: muffin - Window and compositing manager based on Clutter - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=773470 16:15 pdurbin which lead to https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/acls/name/muffin 16:16 pdurbin it's all very transparent 16:16 pdurbin repoforge has *much* less ceremony :) 16:27 whorka speak of which, I just got my update to mod_fastcgi accepted there, per http://whorka.github.com/blog/2012/02/08/apache-mod_fastcgi-suexec-php-apc-rhel.html 16:30 pdurbin_m whorka: \o/ I've been meaning to nag you about that post! you filled it in! 16:31 pdurbin_m I'm totally setting this up on my home server 16:32 whorka yeah, I was a little less kind to the mod_fcgid developers in my abbreviated comment in the .spec, but i hope the extended explanation at the bottom of the blog post makes up for it. 16:32 whorka nothing wrong with mod_fcgid, just different design decisions 17:05 Pax is there anyone in chat thats using anchors for ordering? 17:05 Pax in puppet? 17:20 pdurbin Anchor Pattern - Puppet - Puppet Labs - http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/puppet/wiki/Anchor_Pattern ? 17:25 gridiron Pax: I will check with my house mate, he is the puppet master. Though a bit of a slum lord, too. 17:26 pdurbin gridiron: i think you're new here... welcome! 17:26 gridiron I am... I am Pax's house mate. :) 17:26 Pax pdurbin: yup! I'm working on an update to my iscsid and multipath modules, and I'm trying to decide if I need anchors, or if stages will be enough 17:27 Pax gridiron: already calling me a slumlord.. sheesh… 17:27 pdurbin wow. house of geeks. i haven't turned my daughters into geeks. . . yet! 17:28 gridiron Already? Where have you been? 17:32 gridiron I do have a current hunch with files descriptors, so if it does crash today during your shift check out the FS descriptors 17:32 gridiron Damn it... Windows focus does not follow eyes. Can we work on that? 17:32 SEJeff Get a kinect? 17:43 pdurbin "if you try to use an opcode cacher with mod_fcgid, you end up with a cache per processes which nullifies the point of the opcode cache." -- Re: [users@httpd] Optimizing mod_fcgid - http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/httpd-users/201003.mbox/%3C20100324193501.GA2363@bitz.org%3E via http://whorka.github.com/blog/2012/02/08/apache-mod_fastcgi-suexec-php-apc-rhel.html 17:49 pdurbin Puppet Camp 2012: Boston, Massachusetts - Friday, June 22, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (ET) Cambridge, MA -- http://puppetcampboston.eventbrite.com 17:49 pdurbin "Puppet Camp is a community oriented gathering of Puppet users and developers. You’ll have the opportunity to network with a diverse group of Puppet users, benefit from insightful lectures delivered by prominent community members, and be able to share experiences and discuss potential implementations of Puppet during our attendee generated breakout sessions." 18:27 pdurbin here i go asking users if i can reboot their VM like a sucker. didn't realize i can just allocate more ram and ask the user to reboot whenever 18:33 pdurbin huh. i didn't know fedora was on arm. . . http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM via http://irclog.perlgeek.de/salt/2012-05-08#i_5560123 18:34 SEJeff_work Fedora on arm was recently (a 3-4 weeks ago) almost promoted to a primary supported arch 18:34 SEJeff_work But it still needs a bit more love before that happens 18:35 SEJeff_work http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM/Planning/Primary 20:19 pdurbin heh. mailman says "subscribees". google says "Did you mean: subscribers" 20:36 whorka would the list itself be the subscribee? 23:05 SEJeff_work Anyone here play with openflow?