Time Nick Message 02:14 ironcame1 pdurbin: cool, what does that do though? 02:15 ironcame1 sync your projects 12:39 pdurbin ironcamel: what are you asking? sync? 12:41 pdurbin oh oh, my script. just does a `git pull`, basically. based on the list of git repos at http://git.greptilian.com/?a=project_index 12:42 pdurbin i guess i should write some pod ;) 14:58 shuff hi folks! 14:58 shuff w00t http://forge.puppetlabs.com/huit/pam_access 15:02 pdurbin hmm, veeeery interesting 18:22 pdurbin my first python script: https://github.com/fasrc/api/blob/master/modules 18:23 pdurbin i haven't run pychecker on it yet: http://pychecker.sourceforge.net 18:24 SEJeff pdurbin, sys.version is a tuple that will do what you want 18:24 SEJeff instead of sys.hexversion I think 18:24 SEJeff If you want to cheat and combine sys.stderr.write(msg + "\n") and sys.exit(1), you can just shorten it to: raise SystemExit("message") 18:25 pdurbin yeah, i found the hexversion thing at http://www.secnetix.de/olli/Python/tricks.hawk (maybe i should have included a link the code) and liked it 18:26 pdurbin "The variable hexversion is only available since Python 1.5.2, so we first check if it is there, just in case someone has an even older version." :) 18:26 pdurbin i like how python brings SEJeff back from the dead. i thought he was on vacation ;) 18:27 SEJeff pdurbin, I was sick 18:27 SEJeff out from work yest 18:27 SEJeff Friday and Monday I was at: http://stagecoachfestival.com/ 18:27 pdurbin ah. hope you're feeling better 18:28 SEJeff surprised the wife with tix. We went to Indio and rented a little house for the weekend 18:28 SEJeff Yup mostly better now. 18:28 pdurbin anyway, pull requests welcome. the script operates on a public api 18:28 pdurbin should "just work" 18:29 SEJeff pdurbin, thanks. Yes feeling much better. The doc gave me some steroids, but I don't feel like Aah-nold or anything 18:48 pdurbin :)