Time Nick Message 15:39 pdurbin huh, this just came to my attention: Freedcamp - Free Project Management - http://freedcamp.com 15:40 SEJeff_work We know secure, 256-bits of it in every interaction you do! 15:40 shuff huh 15:40 SEJeff_work So they likely use symetric encryption. Possibly AES 15:41 SEJeff_work How is the shared secret stored is the first thing I wonder. Security symetric keys is harder than asymetric ones. 15:41 SEJeff_work ^^ from the website pdurbin linked 15:41 shuff i do love signing up for things online 15:41 shuff even the tumblr downtime did not stop me 15:41 SEJeff_work ha 15:42 pdurbin oh, that reminds me that i finally got around to posting something retweeted by agoddard: http://pdurbin.tumblr.com/post/21285810446/http-twitter-com-longcat111 15:43 SEJeff_work :) 15:44 agoddard long cat 15:44 SEJeff_work is long 15:44 agoddard :D 15:46 pdurbin now back to work you guys 15:46 SEJeff_work boo 15:47 pdurbin so ventz is teaching me ubuntu. thank god. because i've always been a red hat guy. i'm compiling notes here if anyone is interested: http://wiki.greptilian.com/ubuntu 15:47 pdurbin i don't even know what dash is but i don't like it 15:48 SEJeff_work A posix shell 15:49 SEJeff_work It executes big shell scripts way faster than bash 15:49 SEJeff_work I think it takes a minute off of compiling openoffice.org if you build it with /bin/sh set as dash vs bash 15:51 pdurbin meh. sticking with bash for now: http://git.greptilian.com/?p=wiki.git;a=blob;f=ubuntu.mdwn;h=7025cb7e2b5f9d963aaa9109fbc70561e765e811;hb=c3602d6fa43dedd44aa7879d5c4f794ce1249346#l38 15:52 SEJeff_work pdurbin, deb as a format has not equiv to rpm -V, There is debsums, but it is a very horrible hack 15:52 SEJeff_work And not all packages are required to have checksums of all files 15:53 pdurbin i'm soooo much more familiar with rpm and yum. i'm lost in debian 15:53 pdurbin i just grep'ed through the archive and i don't think i've said this yet: 15:53 pdurbin i'm a debian guy at heart, i think, though i've never used it 15:54 SEJeff_work apt-cache dumpavail 15:54 SEJeff_work huge archive is huge 15:54 pdurbin i guess this is no longer true, since this week i'm starting to use ubuntu 15:55 SEJeff_work /etc/default vs /etc/sysconfig 15:55 SEJeff_work annoying 15:57 pdurbin i'm actually considering not even learning debian/ubuntu very well, at least a first, and just using salt to do my dirty work 15:57 SEJeff_work Ha! 15:57 pdurbin SEJeff_work: expect more salt issues on github ;) 15:57 SEJeff_work apt-cache madison $packagename is also quite nice, but poorly named 15:57 SEJeff_work Awesome! 15:57 SEJeff_work We need more debian/*buntu users 15:57 agoddard I used to find myself in more dependency hell in Centos than Debian/Ubuntu.. but it's a moot point now 'cause it's all chef'd :) 15:57 SEJeff_work I used Ubuntu for 4-5 years and just recently got tired of it. Now back to Fedora 15:58 pdurbin i run fedora at home and i like it. except for gnome 3 15:58 * pdurbin shakes fist 15:58 SEJeff_work Install cinnamon 15:58 SEJeff_work way nicer 15:58 pdurbin ok 15:59 pdurbin agoddard: i tend to just rebuild fedora rpms for centos, if necessary 15:59 SEJeff_work mock ftw 15:59 pdurbin oh, i stood this up too: http://yum.greptilian.com 15:59 pdurbin cause i know you guys are dying for ikiwiki on centos 16:00 agoddard I don't use operating systems anymore. I'm.. post OS.. : - | 16:00 pdurbin heh. there you go 16:01 pdurbin abstract it all away 16:01 SEJeff_work agoddard, Let me guess, you write javascript for node.js? :P 16:01 agoddard I restart my servers with a git post commit hook... 0_0 16:01 SEJeff_work ha 16:02 agoddard well, here's a war story about Debian.. I had an etch install which I needed to upgrade for some node packages 16:02 agoddard and it was all "are you sure Y/N", then "are you really really sure?" then all "please type 'Yes, do as I say'.. and I was like meh.. whatever.. <enter> <enter> <enter> 16:03 agoddard so it cleared off every package on the system.. *all of them* and then failed on reinstalling like.. bash or something 16:03 pdurbin yikes! 16:03 agoddard I was like "hmm.. maybe I wasn't so sure.. " 16:03 pdurbin i'm confused by apt-get is so. . . interactive. don't make me think! 16:04 agoddard and I managed to rebuild it from the SSH connection that I was still logged in to for the whole thing (but if that had died, 0_o) 16:04 agoddard I had to manually copy a bunch of utils so I could compile things I needed to get apt back, copied bash from an iso.. etc. fun times :) 16:05 agoddard anyway, point is.. it worked, so that's a +1 for debian (and a -1 for anthony paying attention to warning messages on old servers) 16:06 shuff "Phil Hughes wrote in Linux Journal that you could teach a chicken to install Debian." (http://www.tldp.org/LDP/gs/node4.html) 16:07 shuff other distributions have much poorer poultry interactivity 16:07 shuff i am reminded of the famous Versailles Debian Days 16:07 shuff oh man i need to go get lunch 16:11 SEJeff_work A package manager that is able to require input is fail to me by design 16:11 SEJeff_work that package manager is known as apt 16:13 pdurbin +1 16:14 SEJeff_work I had to add these hacks to salt's apt module to keep it from hanging on stdin: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/develop/salt/modules/apt.py#L25 16:14 pdurbin shuff is referring to http://www.versaillespoultrydays.com but it's a long story. lunch time 17:01 matt1337357 I run debian at home, but I really think it's just like a hobby platform. As in, you get debian to tweak it as your hobby 17:02 matt1337357 it does things too non-standardly and the software is too old 17:04 matt1337357 I don't really know if debian can survive as technology converges. With technology all being the same on multiple platforms - apple products / google products / etc - debian is just going to be an odd relic, I think 17:06 shuff um 17:06 shuff you do know about the staged debian release cycle, yes? 17:06 matt1337357 yea 17:06 shuff ok 17:07 matt1337357 you think it's a good idea? 17:07 shuff it doesn't particularly matter whether i think it's a good idea :) i just have no idea how to interpret your statement that "the software is too old" 17:08 matt1337357 because when I have to look up debian specific instructions on help forums to get year-old arduino software to work... I think it's bad 17:08 shuff what software? 17:09 matt1337357 the last thing i had a problem with was arduino's stuff 17:09 matt1337357 also coming packaged with an old version of gnome is pretty weak 17:10 matt1337357 but I actually have nothing against unity 17:11 matt1337357 then again i don't run Ubuntu on any machine that matters, so my opinion shouldn't be taken seriously there 17:11 shuff so, arduino 1.0 is the current release (from http://arduino.cc) 17:11 shuff http://packages.debian.org/sid/arduino 17:11 matt1337357 I had to use arduino 0017 on debian 17:11 matt1337357 with updated version of some of the jar files 17:12 matt1337357 which you had to swap out manually 17:12 matt1337357 from here: http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software 17:13 matt1337357 and I previously installed it from sid 17:13 matt1337357 but that failed just outright 17:14 shuff i dunno; these are the instructions i found on the Arduino wiki: http://arduino.cc/playground/Linux/Debian 17:14 matt1337357 http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Linux/Debian 17:14 matt1337357 the top part did not work for me 17:15 shuff you might want to take that up with the Arduino community then 17:15 shuff but ymmv, i guess 17:15 matt1337357 or just go to another distro 17:16 matt1337357 I think it'll take me less time to install a new distro than get a *decent* response 17:18 matt1337357 this is actually also an on-going office debate between jsagotsky and me. he just started trying out ubuntu 17:18 matt1337357 but is using xmonad is the window manager 17:18 SEJeff_work matt1337357, What about testing or sid? 17:19 SEJeff_work sid is obnoxiously bleeding edge, even more so than Fedora rawhide at times and breaks often. 17:19 matt1337357 I didn't have luck at the time 17:19 matt1337357 i think it could have changed by now though 17:19 matt1337357 my first resort will always be repos... 17:20 matt1337357 i got 0017 working after a lot of banging my head against the keyboard. and that was about a year ago 17:20 matt1337357 0017 wasn't the new release at the time 17:49 matt1337357 probably more unimportant news, but I've been geeking out on this far too long: http://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=Raspberry_Pi 17:51 matt1337357 and this: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/597507018/pebble-e-paper-watch-for-iphone-and-android 18:32 pdurbin fun toys 18:32 pdurbin gonna be launching openauth soon... http://blog.jcuff.net/2011/09/beautiful-two-factor-desktop-client.html 18:32 pdurbin i'm taking a peek at the code 18:37 pdurbin it'll be very handy to finally be able to get my 2 factor auth token from a linux desktop 18:39 pdurbin it's basically the next iteration of http://rc.fas.harvard.edu/kb/high-performance-computing/access-odyssey-using-your-securid-key-fob-or-soft-token/ 20:41 matt1337357 pdurbin: I think they're a bit better than toys 20:41 matt1337357 this is like... the future 20:41 pdurbin heh. ok 20:42 matt1337357 ....plus I need a new watch 20:43 matt1337357 also doing things like restarting apache via a watch would be kinda cool