Time Nick Message 12:12 pdurbin lots of talk about window managers yesterday. i'm open to switching away from GNOME, but i've fallen in love with keeping my windows orderly and predictable with Devil's Pie, so i would need it to continue to work (it should, i think) or would need equivalent functionality: http://www.burtonini.com/blog/computers/devilspie/ 12:33 pdurbin "Mosh is a replacement for SSH" -- Mosh: the mobile shell - http://mosh.mit.edu 13:33 matt1337357 pdurbin: mosh looks cool 16:54 matt1337357 ls -l 17:17 pdurbin matt1337357: next time, type your password ;) 17:28 pdurbin "Samba versions 3.6.3 and all versions previous to this are affected by a vulnerability that allows remote code execution as the "root" user from an anonymous connection." -- https://www.samba.org/samba/security/CVE-2012-1182 via http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-1182 17:28 pdurbin see also [Announce] Samba 3.6.4, 3.5.14 and 3.4.16 Security Releases Available - https://lists.samba.org/archive/samba-announce/2012/000252.html 17:28 shuff booooooooooooooo 17:29 pdurbin here's the bug: Bug 8815 – PIDL based autogenerated code allows overwriting beyond of allocated array; CVE-2012-1182 - https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8815 19:14 pdurbin westmaas and ironcamel: mentioned you guys yesterday: http://twitter.com/philipdurbin/status/189766706376343553 not sure how much you know about swift: http://swift.openstack.org 20:28 pdurbin this was driving me crazy! http://superuser.com/questions/55341/whats-the-easiest-way-to-move-an-off-screen-window-back-on-screen-on-mac-os-x/411335#411335 20:30 ironcamel why are you using OS X is the important question 20:32 * pdurbin sighs 20:33 pdurbin mostly i try not to. RSA SecurID doesn't run on linux. but it's going away. soon. soon. http://blog.jcuff.net/2011/09/beautiful-two-factor-desktop-client.html