Time Nick Message 14:40 ventz ironcamel: i use it as a mouse replacement for quick things 14:40 ventz the hjkl makes it slow, but using: jkl for left,down,right, and i for up changes the game 14:41 ventz because now ji is top left and jk is left down, etc... 14:41 ventz as it turns out, when you get semi-used to this, it's actually faster to hold down two keys and tap another key 2-3 times, then raise your hand and move the mouse, and put it back 15:33 ironcamel ventz: do you not use vim? 15:34 ironcamel ventz: as a vim user, i would be afraid to map jkl to be different than the tradition vi hjkl mapping 15:36 ventz ironcamel: i am, i live in vim :) 15:36 ironcamel ventz: you should try openbox 15:37 ventz so once you run keynav, it sits in the bg and monitors for ctrl+; -- that enables it, then you use the keys and hit space to "select" or escape to "cancel" 15:37 ventz ironcamel: is that like blackbox? (i used to use that a lot back in college w/ the sun systems) 15:37 ironcamel openbox by default as direction alt-arrow, to switch between windows, or move windows, or resize windows 15:38 ironcamel i mapped them to alt-{h,j,k,l} 15:38 ventz that's awesome 15:38 ironcamel i don't use a mouse at all 15:38 ventz ohh, you can run it under gnome hmm 15:38 ironcamel i mean i use it for browsing 15:38 ventz there are a few quircks that i can't get past in gnome/ubuntu 15:38 ironcamel but for basic window management, openbox makes it so you don't need a mouse 15:39 ironcamel ventz: well, i left ubuntu 15:39 ironcamel because of the crazy stuff they were doing 15:39 ventz i am still using 10.04 (even for the desktop) 15:39 ironcamel i am running openbox on debian on one box, and crunchbang/openbox on another 15:39 ventz the new "unity" crap...ughhh 15:40 ironcamel i am actually running linux-mint-debian at the moment 15:40 ironcamel ventz: exactly 15:41 ironcamel i tried installing openbox on ubuntu to escape unity, and ubuntu somehow got its claws into that 15:41 ironcamel nautilus would take over the background 15:41 ironcamel that was the last straw 15:42 ventz mint is based on debian? 15:43 ironcamel linux-mint-debian is based on debian 15:43 ironcamel linux-mint is based on ubuntu 15:43 ventz what do you like about mint? I just read about it yesterday -- after hearing something a few months ago 15:44 ventz someone was swearing up and down how it's 10x better than ubuntu, but their reason was it's more like windows... 15:44 ironcamel i like that it is debian 15:44 ventz what does it give you on top of just debian thought? 15:44 ironcamel and they have a nice alternative to unity/gnome-shell 15:45 ironcamel it's a more traditional desktop, even though i don't use it 15:45 ironcamel i would probably be happy with just debian 15:45 ironcamel it was just the distro i tried after ubuntu 15:45 ventz i really like debian, but there are a couple of nice add-ins in ubuntu which make it more "user friendly". I've noticed that debian is extremely good about compatability and bug fixes - which ubuntu is not 15:45 ironcamel oh, i remember something really cool i liked about linux-mint-debian 15:46 ironcamel they have rolling updates 15:46 ventz (the reason why i run debian on my eeepc) 15:46 ironcamel so you never have to install a major new version 15:46 ventz that's very cool 15:46 ironcamel you just get updates as you go along 15:46 ventz that would be huge for a server in a colo actually too 15:47 ventz but i am guessing they are more oriented towards the desktop? 15:47 ironcamel i think you can achieve the same thing in debian if you enable the testing repo 15:47 ironcamel yeah, seems they are focused on the desktop 15:48 ironcamel http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling_release#Debian-based 15:49 ironcamel "Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE) and antiX are cyclical rolling release Deb binary-based Linux distributions based on Debian testing." 15:57 ventz i have to get going, will be back later -- need to install a bunch of stuff @10 ware 15:57 ironcamel later :) 17:31 pdurbin very interested in the openbox discussion but too busy to participate. been thinking about trying ratpoison but if openbox does mouseless well... 18:32 ironcamel pdurbin: you missed epic irc exchange between me and mst in #dancer. he only kicked me once 19:10 pdurbin ironcamel: was it logged? 19:14 shuff http://www.backup-manager.org/pipermail/dancer-users/2011-May/001388.html 19:16 pdurbin sad 19:16 shuff it is unfortunate 19:26 matt1337357 Why so adamant about publicly visible irc logs? Is this for educational purposes? 19:33 pdurbin Coding Horror: When In Doubt, Make It Public - http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2007/04/when-in-doubt-make-it-public.html 19:34 pdurbin it's one of our core principles: http://crimsonfu.github.com 19:34 pdurbin "We live in a world of infinitely searchable micro-content, and every contribution, however small, enriches all of us." 19:36 matt1337357 or 19:36 matt1337357 we're just adding to the already immense amount of white noise on the internet 19:36 * matt1337357 shrugs 19:37 matt1337357 that being said, I'm all for public visibility 19:37 matt1337357 I was just curious about motivations 19:39 matt1337357 This is kinda related. Have you tried duckduckgo instead of google yet? 19:42 ironcamel duckduckgo++ 19:42 matt1337357 It's kinda hard to use entirely because of the fact that we're used to good catering search results to us, so it missing the mark periodically with a search query actually feels kind of good 19:42 pdurbin it troubles me that it favors metacpan over search.cpan #oldschool 19:43 ironcamel metacpan++ 19:43 matt1337357 cpan is... 19:44 pdurbin like cran ;) 19:44 shuff pdurbin: use !oldcpan in duckduckgo to get classic cpan 19:44 matt1337357 HAH 19:44 matt1337357 cran is finally getting cleaned up 19:44 ironcamel i have firefox keywords for search cpan/metacpan 19:45 ironcamel *searching 19:45 matt1337357 I think I already like metacpan over cpan 19:45 matt1337357 but I was prefering github over cpan already 19:45 shuff metacpan does not let me apply my preferred source code highlighting and so it is dead to me :) 19:46 ironcamel you are very picky 19:47 matt1337357 I still haven't read modern perl 19:47 shuff i am a geek, obsessively focusing on arbitrary minutia is my birthright 19:47 matt1337357 javascript is too cool nowadays 19:47 ironcamel jquery is cool 19:48 ironcamel jquery makes javascript very enjoyable 19:48 matt1337357 oh 19:48 matt1337357 I'm okay with jquery. I have to compulsively write wrappers for jquery 19:48 ironcamel wrappers for a wrapper ? 19:48 matt1337357 so I feel like I can remove it at some point in the near future 19:49 matt1337357 I just have a dream that someday I won't need jquery 19:49 matt1337357 and want to be able to transition smoothly out 19:49 ironcamel i think some proposed javascript ecma thing has half of jquery built in 19:49 matt1337357 yea 19:49 ironcamel but will take years to get adopted probably 19:49 matt1337357 queryselectors, etc 19:50 matt1337357 and css3 stole like a million of jquery's features 19:50 matt1337357 http://www.htmlgoodies.com/beyond/css/css3-transitions-syntax-and-example-code.html 19:50 matt1337357 it even does the transision functions as beziers 19:51 matt1337357 all the important browsers support it. 19:51 ironcamel hmmm ... i think i prefer to not have to learn all the details of css 19:51 ironcamel and use a framework like bootstrap for css, and jquery for javascript 19:52 matt1337357 jquery is 100kb 19:52 matt1337357 minified. 19:52 ironcamel you think that is too big? 19:52 matt1337357 i guess it doesn't matter that much 19:52 matt1337357 i think, that's ugly 19:53 ironcamel you can use cdn's 19:53 matt1337357 yup 19:53 matt1337357 or gzip 19:53 ironcamel people will have it cached in their browser already 19:53 ironcamel if you use google's cdn for jquery 19:54 ironcamel i found i ran into an issue, when protecting my app with https. then i couldn't link to google's cdn at that point. 19:54 matt1337357 i think things like that halt the development of browsers 19:54 ironcamel since the cdn was http 19:54 matt1337357 if things never break, then we get stuck with a million years of kludge 19:54 ironcamel things like what? 19:54 matt1337357 like giving no one motivation to leave ie6 19:58 matt1337357 haven't made up my mind on this yet: http://coffeescript.org/ 19:58 matt1337357 but hear future javascript commits to github are all written in coffee 19:59 matt1337357 to the github project.. 20:01 ironcamel i really dislike the whole idea of that 20:01 ironcamel i bet debugging is a nightmare 20:02 ironcamel writing code that generates code, not my thing 20:02 matt1337357 I don't know if it's intimidating to me because it's new and I don't know it 20:02 matt1337357 or if it's unnecessarily complex 20:04 matt1337357 regardless, I'm into functional programming 20:05 ironcamel at least jquery is still javascript 20:06 pdurbin yeah, i agree that debugging coffeescript must be a nightmare 20:07 matt1337357 I don't really see why it's really much different 20:08 matt1337357 all the tricks used in modern javascript programming are done much more semantically 20:09 ironcamel matt1337357: you know that coffeescript is just translated to the corresponding javascript. imagine writing ruby that is translated to python. 20:10 ironcamel and the interpreter invokes the python 20:12 matt1337357 i mean it's not like debugging optimized code 20:12 matt1337357 I mean, I see the point 20:13 matt1337357 but I think that when you look at an object in the debugger or console it's going to be pretty looking to your semantic representation 20:13 matt1337357 it's not like the debuggers shows the million curly brackets of the javascript code - it shows the object version of it 20:14 matt1337357 pretty much looking like* your conceptual representation 20:15 ironcamel i would think that the debugger WOULD shoule the curly brackets and javascript code 20:15 ironcamel s/shoule/show/ 20:15 ironcamel the debugger is running the javascript, not the coffeescript 20:15 matt1337357 yes, i know 20:16 matt1337357 maybe i just fence-post too much 20:16 matt1337357 as opposed to line-by-line debugging 20:17 matt1337357 the traceback could arguably get ugly 20:17 ironcamel what is fence-post? 20:18 matt1337357 surrounding blocks of code with prints to the debug log/console/whatever 20:18 ironcamel ah, yes, i do both 20:19 ironcamel sometimes the line-by-line thing is necessary, though i prefer the fence-post thing 20:19 matt1337357 agreed 20:20 pdurbin more often than i like to admit, i write Desperate Perl: http://micro.jcuff.net/desperation 20:20 ironcamel stop doing that 20:21 ironcamel just kidding