Time Nick Message 13:25 pdurbin linux - How to copy a large number of files quickly between two servers - Server Fault - http://serverfault.com/questions/18125/how-to-copy-a-large-number-of-files-quickly-between-two-servers/376596#376596 13:28 pdurbin [i had never heard of ttcp(1) ] http://ftp.arl.mil/mike/ttcp.html 14:44 pdurbin agoddard: i got my networks for openstack yesterday. planning to set up cobbler to kickstart the physical hosts today 14:44 agoddard pdurbin: sliq 14:44 agoddard u see the cloudstack/apache announcement? 14:44 pdurbin no... link? 14:44 agoddard fak3r and I are looking into rockin' the cloudstack aktion 14:45 agoddard http://www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2012/04/citrix-cloudstack/ 14:46 pdurbin didn't realize that cloudstack is only "mostly" open source 14:55 whorka I wonder how netcat, socat, and ttcp compare in performance. 14:56 pdurbin agoddard: i just posted http://pastie.org/3727369 , my notes from http://www.cloudstack.org/about-cloudstack/cloudstack-events/viewevent/29-build-an-open-source-cloud-day-boston.html (the cloudstack event i attended 2011-12-09) 14:56 pdurbin i swear, nopaste is the easiest way to blog. thanks again, ironcamel 14:56 agoddard nice! 14:57 pdurbin cloudstack did seem pretty mature, i must say 14:57 agoddard my thoughts with cloud vs. open at the moment are basically - we need something with a nice API, preferably one that someone's already written a knife plugin for, and we need something that'll rock iSCSI storage for our VMs 15:00 pdurbin https://github.com/CloudStack/knife-cloudstack 15:04 pdurbin agoddard: does cloudstack work with iSCSI storage? 15:05 agoddard pdurbin: yeppers 15:05 agoddard pdurbin: hopefully we'll be able to start testing it in our next iteration 15:06 * pdurbin considers the advantage of using some of the same tools as agoddard and fak3r 15:08 westmaas awww you guys are killing me! 15:08 agoddard westmaas: sorry :/ 15:08 agoddard but logstash and sensu are goin revolutionize your worlds 15:08 agoddard :D 15:31 pdurbin westmaas: again, i'm actively working on setting up openstack! the demo thing 15:31 westmaas :) 15:31 pdurbin this thing: http://docs.openstack.org/diablo/openstack-compute/starter/content/Introduction-d1e390.html 15:45 agoddard at least if we rock different ones, we'll be able to compare 15:45 agoddard (but seriously, install logstash and sensu...) ;) 15:46 pdurbin agoddard: i know, i know... multiple people stirring the pot about sensu at least. logstash isn't even on our radar... YET! 16:26 pdurbin whorka: i have no idea how netcat, socat, and ttcp compare in performance 16:27 pdurbin oh, by the way, as of today, both http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu and http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/today have links back to http://crimsonfu.github.com 17:27 ironcamel pdurbin: http://rexify.org 18:10 pdurbin ironcamel: do i want that? rex? 18:11 ironcamel i don't know 18:33 pdurbin writing to my team about http://dancer-pdurbin.rhcloud.com which i stood up on https://openshift.redhat.com 18:39 pdurbin `gem install gitfinger && gitfinger openshift` 19:18 ironcamel pdurbin: the crowdtilt.com folks are using rex, not as a replacement for chef, but just to help automate tasks with vagrant/our dev/staging/prod environments and even common chef tasks 19:20 pdurbin huh. ok. cool 19:20 pdurbin that reminds me. this is how i think i might try to learn some ruby: http://rubykoans.com 19:20 ironcamel what are you writing to your team? 19:21 ironcamel how to deploy dancer on openshift? 19:21 ironcamel i have been writing ruby a lot the past couple weeks 19:21 ironcamel at work 19:22 ironcamel i should probably do that koans thing. but i've been learning a lot just diving in and asking questions in #ruby-lang 19:22 ironcamel and a lot of perl idioms work in ruby, so its pretty easy to learn for me 19:27 pdurbin if openshift ever becomes open source and we could host it, i think it would be a great offering for our users 19:27 pdurbin "here, have a web app" 19:33 ironcamel so the open in openshift must not stand for open source? 19:33 pdurbin i.e. the users could run `rhc app create -a wordpress -t php-5.3` and get a wordpress installation immediately 19:33 agperson that would be beautiful 19:33 pdurbin ironcamel: heh. i don't know how open source it is... 19:33 agperson they are saying "in the next few months" it will be 19:34 pdurbin agperson: it works! go try it out on rhcloud 19:34 agperson perhaps i will... 19:34 pdurbin you can have up to 5 free apps 19:34 pdurbin nodejs, rails, django, etc. 19:34 agperson i'll have to give it a go 19:36 agperson any idea how it compares to vmware's cloudfoundry? 19:37 agperson (aside from, i assume, no vmware dependency!) 19:56 pdurbin agperson: never heard of it 19:58 * pdurbin glances at http://www.cloudfoundry.com/faq 19:58 pdurbin i *think* openshift supports more languages and frameworks