Time Nick Message 12:13 pdurbin ironcamel: `yum install ack` does the job in rpm-land 14:59 ironcamel pdurbin: i know, i meant on debian, they screwed up. they call it ack-grep or something. 15:01 ironcamel and then after you install it, you probably would want to create an alias so you don't have to type ack-grep each time. but running cpanm ack will install the latest ack for you and place it in your sytem path 15:04 pdurbin ironcamel: out of the box, you have to type `ack-grep myString myfile.txt`? that's dumb 15:06 shuff this frustrates the heck out of me 15:07 shuff i would have preferred that they simply make it conflict with the preexisting "ack" package 15:13 pdurbin those damn packagers 15:16 shuff srsly 17:21 pdurbin has anyone tried this? Sensu, a monitoring framework - PorterTech - http://portertech.ca/2011/11/01/sensu-a-monitoring-framework/ 17:24 pdurbin Sensu competes with nagios. it uses messaging (AMQP rather than ZeroMQ, like salt uses) 17:25 pdurbin i heard about Sensu at http://devopscafe.org/show/2012/3/16/devops-cafe-episode-24.html 17:28 pdurbin westmaas or ironcamel: openstack uses AMQP (with RabbitMQ). i'd be curious to hear what you think about AMQP vs. ZeroMQ 17:29 pdurbin looks like i should just start by reading http://nichol.as/zeromq-an-introduction 17:30 westmaas I haven't explored it too much - but I think someone just implemented zeromq support for nova 17:36 pdurbin interesting. thanks 17:36 ironcamel pdurbin: i am a big fan of the stomp protocol 17:37 ironcamel http://stomp.github.com/ 17:37 ironcamel it is text oriented like http, and like json it has a super simple spec 17:39 pdurbin it even has text in the name :) 17:39 ironcamel you can even (and I have done this for debugging) telnet to a stomp server and interact with it 17:41 pdurbin on the previous devops cafe podcast ( http://devopscafe.org/show/2012/3/5/devops-cafe-episode-23.html ) Ben Rockwood was arguing that every sysadmin should get to know messaging protocols 18:36 pdurbin i bet agoddard has looked at sensu... 18:37 agoddard sensu is awesomesauce 18:37 agoddard I lost my IRC scrollback - not awesome 18:37 agoddard oh wait, logs.. awesome :D 18:37 pdurbin heh. logs ftw! \o/ 18:38 agoddard nice, just read them. yeppers, sensu is awesome, @portertech is the man 18:38 agoddard he was in Boston last week, next time he's around we should have some beers up there 18:39 pdurbin too bad we missed him. yes, beers for all 18:39 pdurbin his company is based in newton 18:39 agoddard I'm working at the moment on replacing nagios with sensu, and then replacing collectd etc with metrics pulled from sensu checks into graphite (and then openTSDB when I get my hbase a** into gear) 18:39 pdurbin says they have hack fests in boston. i tweeted at him about it 18:39 agoddard ya, Sonian, they do some pretty cool stuff with scaling. portertech is based in Vancouver but travels to the HQ sometimes 18:39 pdurbin see, i knew agoddard would be all over this :) 18:39 agoddard :D 18:41 agoddard currently we lose our nagios server (happened a few times) and we don't know until we realize it's been a little too quiet on the pager front 18:42 pdurbin heh. i guess a little noise is ok :) 18:42 agoddard hmm.. the last message didn't send.. fu irccloud. /me tries again: 18:42 agoddard "currently we roll two nagios servers, one @ RC and one at MBL.. with Sensu it'll all be the same system, using our existing AMQP queues to send checks from RC to CLI. If either site goes down, or any of the tunnels, then multiple instances will be able to see it and hit the alarm" 18:42 agoddard there we go 18:42 pdurbin nice. what are you using for AMQP? 18:43 agoddard rabbitmq 18:43 agoddard we had some existing rabbitmq infrastructure for a rails app, so decided to keep it simple, it's been pretty reliable 18:44 pdurbin cool, cool. yeah, like i was saying earlier, openstack uses rabbitmq 18:44 shuff in my admittedly limited experience, rabbitmq was easier to set up than amqp 18:44 agoddard how's openstack working out for you guys? 18:46 pdurbin i thought rabbitmq was an implementation of amqp... 18:47 agoddard +1, just uses the AMQ(Protocol) 18:48 pdurbin agoddard: i'm waiting for a couple test networks per http://docs.openstack.org/diablo/openstack-compute/starter/content/Introduction-d1e390.html 18:49 shuff hello? 18:49 agoddard shuff: yo 18:49 shuff ok good - just disconnected and *appeared* to reconnect 18:50 agoddard pdurbin: cool, can't remember if I've already mentioned it, but I'm super keen on looking at iSCSI LUN backed storage or iSCSI backed LVM storage for VMs with OpenStack 18:50 pdurbin agoddard: you mentioned. the irclogs never forget :) 18:50 agoddard pdurbin: oh ya, the logs again, damn.. they're helpful 18:51 pdurbin and pretty much, i think we might be looking at something similar 18:51 agoddard +10000 18:51 * pdurbin nudges sjoeboo, points at whiteboard 18:51 sjoeboo yeah.... 18:51 sjoeboo sigh 18:51 shuff right now right now right now 18:51 pdurbin agoddard: what's your iSCSI hardware? some dell array? 18:51 sjoeboo need to get into those md3000i's... 18:52 agoddard ya, we have two md3220i's with additional 1220 shelves 18:52 pdurbin ok, very similar 18:52 agoddard the 3220's are full of 2.5" 146GB 15kSAS, the 1220's are full of 500GB NL-SAS 18:53 agoddard we have one 3220 in production and one just sitting there waiting for us to get our openstack asses into gear. 18:54 sjoeboo 10 md3000i's i think 1TB drives, 10GB backend network 18:55 agoddard nice! 18:56 sjoeboo sadly, the kvm front ends we need to move to, at least until we unwired some shit, are far far away from the isolated backend network 19:07 pdurbin shuff: do you still use nagstamon? 19:08 shuff i tried it out under OS X (i don't currently have a linux workstation at my desk), but it's not as nicely integrated as it is with GNOME 19:08 pdurbin ok, i think sjoeboo was going to try on OS X too 19:09 sjoeboo they have a dmg 19:09 sjoeboo works, after a zero install….install 19:09 sjoeboo but yeah, semi-meh 19:09 sjoeboo might look for an osx altenative... 19:10 pdurbin "It is inspired by Nagios Checker for Firefox" -- http://nagstamon.ifw-dresden.de 19:10 pdurbin https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/nagios-checker/ 19:11 sjoeboo firefox meh 19:11 sjoeboo ha 19:11 sjoeboo kiding, mostly 19:11 pdurbin it better to have that addon in some other browser anyway. it's a hog 19:12 pdurbin and will require you to restart firefox at least once a day 19:12 pdurbin i'm really selling it...