Time Nick Message 04:13 pdurbin added breadcrumbs: http://crimsonfu.github.com/members/pdurbin 15:25 pdurbin take THAT, multi-site Drupal! 15:25 shuff punch it in the face 15:31 pdurbin who knew all that dinking with openscholar would come in handy 15:32 pdurbin was just talking to a guy here (eric) about how i'd like to write the definitive guide on how to preview DNS changes by editing /etc/hosts or equivalent 15:38 agperson would it be a very long guide? 15:40 shuff it might be a more realistic simulation if you were to use dnsmasq or unbound or something like that 15:41 agoddard pdurbin: yeah, i wrote it quickly (not finished at all yet) and could do with a ton of refactoring 15:41 agoddard pdurbin: (PassNG) - I just opened it 'cause my buddy wanted to work on it with me and I ran out of private collabs on the githubs ;) 15:44 pdurbin agoddard: cool cool, i stopped when it needed imagemagik-devel (sp?) or whatever 15:45 pdurbin agperson: long enough such that a drupal or wordpress person could grok it 15:46 agoddard pdurbin: ya, I'd already written some stuff with rmagick, so I just re-used that code (http://tedx.anthonygoddard.com/) 15:47 agoddard pdurbin: but the general idea was.. give it a password and it'll give someone a single use link to an image containing the password. There's better ways to send passwords, but this way seemed better than the status quo (plain text emails or WORD.DOC attachements ;) 15:49 pdurbin agoddard: should just encrypt the file with the other person's public key, right? 15:49 agoddard ya, but was for folks who didn't know what a public key was 15:49 pdurbin "just". . . as if everyone has a public key 15:49 pdurbin heh. right :) 15:49 agoddard :) 15:50 agoddard re: hosts file, some devs here use ghost, I haven't used it but seems kinda friendly https://github.com/bjeanes/ghost 15:51 pdurbin wow, ghost is for when you really get into editing /etc/hosts! 15:51 pdurbin i guess my doc could link to it 15:52 pdurbin shuff: unbounded ended up being more than i needed, frankly. KISS 15:52 pdurbin er, unbound, i mean 16:06 agoddard I guess ghost would be ace if you had to set a ton of hosts for some reason for someone's env.. but me thinks if you gotta do that, there's prolly another issue somewhere ;) 18:28 pdurbin reviewing my ssh keys at https://github.com/settings/ssh/audit , per the email from github 18:41 ironcamel pdurbin: did you actually compare the fingerprints to your actual keys? 18:43 ironcamel i didn't know how to do that at first, but my co-worker showed me: ssh-keygen -lf pub-key-file 18:45 pdurbin ironcamel: i actually rejected/deleted them all except for one i can't check from here. uploaded a new key. but thanks for the handy command. i'll use it when i get home 18:46 shuff thanks for the heads-up; just verified and re-approved mine 18:50 whorka github -> Notifications -> Mark all as read is giving a 404, but at least it's cute: https://github.com/inbox/read_all_notifications 19:48 agoddard haha, I just googled "show ssh fingerprint" like 20 min ago, didn't see any obvious results, put off the github fix 19:48 agoddard then switched to this window and hazaah! 19:48 agoddard thanks 20:57 pdurbin first day of logging :) http://irclog.perlgeek.de/salt/2012-03-07 21:25 pdurbin drupal, you are killing me. you and your non-working book_menu_subtree_data on recent database dumps 21:45 pdurbin ah ha! some funny drupal permissions going on... 22:06 shuff stdout.readlines.detect {|line| %r{host/#{Facter.value("fqdn")}} =~ line}.to_s.chomp.split(' ', 2).shift 22:06 shuff i am delighted with my ability to write Perl programs in Ruby :) 22:25 pdurbin shuff: oVirt - http://twit.tv/show/floss-weekly/203 22:25 shuff yay oVirt!