Time Nick Message 01:34 PaxIndustria yo 03:41 pdurbin new blog post: crimsonfu freenode IRC channel setup - http://crimsonfu.github.com/2012/02/06/crimsonfu-freenode-irc-channel-setup.html 15:30 pdurbin so the short of the new blog post is that we won't change to +i (invite-only) for this channel 15:30 pdurbin if spam ends up in our chat logs, we'll contact moritz on freenode 15:30 pdurbin if it becomes a real problem, he'll enable an admin interface so we can delete spam ourselves 15:59 pdurbin oh, also, i updated our home page to talk about this irc channel. so prepare for the mad rush of people joining it :) 16:02 shuff sweet 16:26 * ventz prepares for the mad rush 16:26 * ventz ...waiting... 16:26 * ventz ...still waiting... 16:29 whorka anyone used this? I use fink and macports myself. http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/ 16:29 ventz whorka: i use fink, and just tried homebrew a few months ago for the first time 16:29 ventz i really *really* like the idea behind it, but it's just "not there yet" package wise 16:29 pdurbin homebrew is awesome. you definitely should use it 16:30 ventz it's just gorgeous when it comes to adding your own packages (vs fink) 16:30 pdurbin `brew install wget` 16:30 ventz i am not a fan that it doesn't jail everything to /somedir like fink 16:31 whorka hmm, ok. maybe I'll check it out. thanks! 16:31 pdurbin ventz: you're using homebrew with sudo??? 16:31 pdurbin just install everything in your home directory 16:32 pdurbin mkdir ~/.homebrew 16:32 ventz on the mac, it suggested /usr/local/bin, which i followed 16:32 pdurbin cd ~/.homebrew 16:32 pdurbin curl -Lsf http://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/tarball/master > homebrew.tar.gz 16:33 pdurbin ~/.homebrew/mxcl-homebrew-810f604/bin/brew install wget 16:35 pdurbin thank god shuff is away. he's a fink maintainer :) 16:35 pdurbin don't let him poison your mind 16:36 whorka I prefer macports right now, but homebrew looks pretty slick. 16:37 whorka btw pdurbin thanks for plugging Perl Weekly. I'm getting lots of useful info there. 16:40 pdurbin sure. but perl weekly is a little to spammy for me on google+. it's more like hourly. but the actually weekly newsletter is great 16:41 pdurbin oh, whorka, i did notice you mentioned you got apache+fastcgi+etc working under selinux. good job 16:43 whorka yes, finally. I actually just got it really working yesterday. 16:43 pdurbin i hope you put the rpms somewhere for public consumption 16:44 whorka I'm going to post the config info, but it's wrapped up in our proprietary configuration management rpms. all the code is public. 16:45 pdurbin ok. makes sense 16:45 whorka the 2 most important lessons I learned: 1) "man httpd_selinux". 2) the selinux audit.log doesn't actually show all the avc denials unless you disable "dontaudit" rules with "semodule -DB" (and re-enable with "semodule -B") 16:46 pdurbin hard lessons 16:46 whorka learned well 17:20 agperson is anyone aware of a web interface to edit config files with augeas? 17:25 shuff huh 17:25 shuff not off the top of my head 17:26 agperson i'm trying to figure out a way to let users modify subversion authz-style access lists, and one thought was to write an augeas lens and somehow expose that. 17:27 agperson but not coming up with anything 17:27 shuff this is for modifying a svnaccess.conf? served via apache? 17:28 shuff i guess maybe look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuCentralizedServiceAdministrator 17:28 shuff but that looks like a lot more than what you want 17:28 agperson yeah 17:29 agperson i'm not sure that ubuntu project got very far, but yeah, that's the idea…i've looked at about a dozen SVN management front ends and so far they all suck :) 17:29 shuff and iirc there's no mechanism for including other files in svnaccess.conf 17:31 agperson correct 17:31 shuff maybe look at http://search.cpan.org/dist/SVN-Access/ 17:31 shuff and build a cgi that sits in front of that? 17:31 agperson ah, interesting 17:32 shuff looks like its only dependency is Tie::IxHash, which is not too hard to meet 19:59 shuff zomg 19:59 shuff github is down! 20:01 whorka worksforme (http) 20:03 shuff i did get a brief "GitHub - Down for Maintenance" page 20:04 whorka Lincoln Lab just stole our Netapp tech. He was supposed to come in for a "priority 3" event today and they had a "priority 1" :'( 20:06 shuff haha 20:07 shuff i wonder if it's my old group, and their 6+ years out of support netapp finally died 20:07 shuff that would definitely be a priority 1 20:10 whorka ours just needs a new battery. apparently the 32xx series has a battery charger firmware problem. hope you don't have any of them. 20:12 shuff oh, speaking of hardware problems, how about this one: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/ts/fn/634/fn63430.html 20:12 shuff "A failure has been observed where a MOSFET power transistor failed in a manner that caused the MOSFET to overheat and emit a flash before failing." 20:13 whorka uh-oh. the magic smoke got out.