Time Nick Message 14:44 sjoeboo using the puppet queue or straight to a db? 14:44 sjoeboo (thin storeconfigs FTW) 14:51 Pax @sjoeboo I used MySQL for it, I'm going to set up some message queueing in front of it too. 14:52 sjoeboo nice, thats what we do, initially turning on storeconfigs and colelcting/exporting sshkey killed our puppet master 14:52 sjoeboo BUT, thin store configs made it all better 14:52 sjoeboo but putting a a queue in front is next 14:53 Pax how'd you do the thin storeconfigs? 14:54 Pax Oh, NM, just found it on the wiki page! :p 14:54 sjoeboo storeconfigs = true 14:54 sjoeboo thin_storeconfigs = true 14:54 sjoeboo yep! 14:57 Pax So far it's been pretty cool, and the Nagios hooks worked nicely too 14:58 sjoeboo yeah, we only use it for collecting/exporting ssh keys so far, and a little nagios testing 14:58 sjoeboo but collecting/exporting 1700+ keys was a bit much at first 14:59 Pax LOL I bet! 15:01 Pax I'm working on Nagios service dependancies now… I *hate* when I get "Server down" "SSH" down 15:02 Pax no kidding? SSH is down when the servers down? NOOOOO 15:02 Pax :p 15:05 pdurbin Pax: i made you an owner of the crimsonfu github organization 15:10 pdurbin also, i just stared a "members" section of http://crimsonfu.github.com please feel free to add/introduce yourself there 15:30 shuff sweet 15:30 shuff done 15:32 pdurbin "SHUFF on CPAN". awesome. like you're yelling :) 15:33 pdurbin wow, linking to https://metacpan.org/author/SHUFF rather than http://search.cpan.org/~shuff/ what a snub 15:33 shuff i sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world 15:43 Pax w00t! 15:43 Pax I haz git power! 15:43 shuff Pax: what patch were you asking about yesterday? 15:43 shuff you were interested in a howto? 15:45 Pax ahh the passenger patch you gave eric 15:45 shuff oh right 15:45 shuff argh 15:45 shuff i think it has a bug in it 15:46 Pax he's wanting to set up his prod puppet master today, and I've not yet used your patchy goodness 15:46 shuff i *really* need to just sit down and make that work 15:46 Pax oh hey, I'm noticing on RHEL5 if you upgrade augeas-libs to 0.10.0 it cause the augeus types to run over and over again 15:46 shuff aaaa 15:46 Pax started noticing it yesterday after we patched some dev boxes 15:46 shuff that's no good 15:47 Pax yeah 15:47 shuff augeas package from what repo? 15:47 shuff EPEL? 15:47 Pax EPEL I think, double checking 15:47 Pax yup EPEL 15:48 shuff bugzilla time :) 15:48 Pax grr this is going to be a pain, I use augeas a bunch 15:51 shuff my word, how i hate this particular puppet bug: http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/5368 15:51 shuff i run into it infrequently enough that i always forget what the problem is and have to look it up again :) 15:52 pdurbin so speaking of howto's i was thinking we could take turns making blog posts on our websites 15:52 shuff like a miniature Ironman contest! we could have badges :) 15:52 pdurbin let's not get ahead of ourselves :) 15:56 shuff agperson: welcome! 15:56 agperson thanks, happy to be here 16:20 Pax https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=771097 16:33 Pax Well the good news is that puppet-2.6.13-2.el5.noarch in EPEL testing seems to resolve the issue (confirmed so far in my dev) 21:31 pdurbin talking to sjoeboo about configuring apache via puppet. i think Pax was working on this recently. heading our now, but i'll ping him next week